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8 Practical Tips to Know Before Travel to Mexico

a group of people standing in front of a building

Mexico is home to a vibrant culture and a bustling food and drinks culture that people worldwide have adopted. Whether you’re a foodie or a straightforward traveler looking for a new place to go to, Mexico should be on your bucket list.

Before you plan on pursuing that trip to Mexico, though, you might want to listen to these 8 tips to know before Travel to Mexico


1. Pick the Right Trip

Mexico is an exciting place that offers a lot of unique cultural experiences and gorgeous sights to behold. But when it comes to traveling, you have to figure out what traveling style works the best for you and the people you’re traveling with.

It’s not enough that you figure out your travel style since you’re with other people. You’ll notice that traveling with other people and traveling by yourself is a whole different travel style altogether. You have to compromise more when you’re with other people.

For example, maybe you and your friends prefer partying over going to museums and historic locations. You’d have to prepare for that travel lifestyle instead.


2. Learn Some Basic Spanish

Another tip when traveling to Mexico, it will be useful to learn a few Spanish phrases before you go.

You have to be aware that Spanish in Spain is different from the Spanish they speak in Mexico. The pronunciation will be the most significant difference between the two of them. So make sure that you don’t confuse yourself when studying these two.

Some useful phrases you’d want to know would be:

  • Where is the bathroom?
  • How much is it?
  • Hello
  • Thank You
  • I’m sorry
  • I don’t speak Spanish

These phrases should cover you for any of your interactions with the locals to get into any trouble.


3. Check the Weather

When people traveling to Mexico, they expect sunny and bright weather. However, much like in any place, the weather can change from day to day.

That’s why you have to make sure that you travel to Mexico at the right time. Before you go there, make sure that you check out what the weather situation will be like.

You wouldn’t want to go there in the middle of their rainy season when you’re expecting a sunny and tropical time while you’re there.

By taking the time to check the weather beforehand, you’ll also be able to bring the appropriate clothes with you while you’re there.


4. Don’t Stress About Safety

There is a twisted idea that we’ve seen based on mainstream movies and TV shows of what Mexico is, but as we all know, these aren’t the ideals of truth. If you have always been curious about what Mexico is like, don’t let the many cartel stories deter you.

There are millions of US citizens alone that travel to Mexico every year. Aside from that, the Mexican government also puts in efforts to keep the more touristy areas secure and safe.

All you need to do is to be as vigilant as you usually are and to steer clear of any suspicious signs when you’re there.


5. Get Insured

Before you go to Mexico, you might want to get insurance for yourself and your family if you’re traveling with them. If you’re planning to travel to risky countries, this might make you disqualified for specific insurance policies. That’s why you have to get some insurance before you travel to these more dangerous countries.

You can get hybrid insurance for yourself if you want to have more flexibility in your insurance coverage. If you don’t know what hybrid insurance is, it’s a more affordable option to get more insurance types in one policy. However, you can’t expect a more in-depth coverage for that case, but it certainly is friendlier to your wallet.

If you want to avail of this, you should first talk to your financial advisor to see what it’s all about and better understand it.


6. Don’t Drink the Water in Mexico

We don’t mean that you should not drink any water in Mexico at all. Instead, you should not drink the tap water in Mexico.

Although the water is clean enough and is purified to some extent, the distribution system might contaminate the water on the way to your tap.

Stick to water that you’re sure was filtered.


7. Pay with Pesos

Mexico doesn’t have a strong credit or debit card culture when it comes to paying for anything. Plus, many street stalls are a massive part of the Mexican food culture, so you want to have some cash with you.

Make sure that you bring some cash and exchange them before you go. That way, you won’t encounter any awkward situations when you can’t pay for the things you bought.


8. Use a VPN

Whether you’re moving to Mexico or you’re there for vacation, you’ll enjoy having an online Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. If you’re connecting to the Internet in a coffee shop, you’d want to have a VPN to protect your data and keep your browsing activity private.

These public connections are quite vulnerable to attacks, which might make you vulnerable as well. A VPN will add that layer of protection against attackers.



These practical 8 tips to know before Travel to Mexico are essential to keep a note of if you’re going to Mexico anytime soon. By preparing for the trip, you’re going to spend more time making the most out of it and less worrying about the logistics and other travel issues.

That’s why you should make sure that you apply these tips before you go to Mexico.

You can know incredible Mexican places with us:


Written by: Geraldine Mills.