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Cancun update

3 weeks ago I introduced myself and told you about my first experiences with living in Cancun, Mexico as a Dutch intern. Now, after 6 weeks of working with EcoColors, I thought it was time to meet you again šŸ™‚

At this moment, Iā€™m over 1/4 of my internship. Iā€™ve done a lot of new things the past few weeks, like develop tours, send follow-ups, work with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), writing articles for the newsletter and also this blog and manage the Pinterest-account of the company.

I also learned a lot of things outside the office. Little by little Iā€™m learning to be by myself a lot, I know better how to shoo cockroaches, I solved the problem with the flooding in my bedroom and I finally have hot water in my shower.

Iā€™ve also been a little bit of a tourist last week. I went to go on the Marine Turtle Adventure Tour. The snorkeling with the sea turtles was amazing, I just keep thinking: Theyā€™re so CUTE!!! And the cenote was really beautiful, with a free fish spa šŸ™‚
Last weekend I went to Chichen Itza and it was a great experience. I saw my second one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and I also had the chance to see another cenote, only we had not the time to swim in this one.

Last week I had a hard time here in Mexico. I was sick and didnā€™t know if I would stay here or just go back home to the Netherlands. Iā€™ve decided to stay and are glad I did. Itā€™s only a little bit more than a month till my parents will arrive, so when I feel sad I just think about that Iā€™m going to see them really soon.

Next month I will write something againā€¦

But till then I just going to enjoy my time here and make some new memories I can tell you about!

ā€“ Chantal van den Boogaert

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